Our community

Work where you want, when you want – and with what you want

We take a modern approach to consultancy that embraces the new possibilities of remote work and is inspired by the set-up you enjoy as an independent contractor. If you are a seasoned consultant from the insurance space, we at Pinecode can help you leverage your knowledge and experience to shape the professional life you are looking for. 

Flexibility and control of workload

You can work as much or as little as you want, and you can choose projects that are meaningful to you. You get to focus on the work you love without the distractions of a full-time job like meetings, office politics, etc.

With such freedom over clients and workload, you have the flexibility that most people dream of. If you want to work full-time most of the year and only part-time during the summer, you have the flexibility and control to make that decision.

Why Pinecode?

  • You get the opportunity to work with the most interesting and stimulating insurance projects
  • You can work as an independent contractor in our network or be an employee of Pinecode
  • Premium remuneration compared to working for a traditional employer – you get the reward package you deserve
  • A straightforward “earn as you work” principle applies
  • You have flexibility and workload control
  • When you choose to not work, we at Pinecode take care of sales and keep a look out for your next project
  • You are able to combine work via Pinecode with other assignments
  • Work is primarily conducted remotely but also offers professional growth and socialization with peers
  • Possibility of working on projects in different countries

The Pinecode community connects you with the interesting and innovative projects you want to be part of – helping you shape the work life and experience you are pursuing.

Your future projects include working on projects in the Nordics and Western Europe at:

  • Insurance companies
  • Insurance core software vendors
  • Providers of software supporting the insurance value chain
  • Software integrators

Want to know more?

Connect with us on LinkedIn or send us a mail!